Saturday 2 January 2016

Government need to pay attention to the flaws of the retrograde VII CPC report.

1. Pay Scales and allowances are arrived by multiplying 2.57, just 14.29 %    increase over existing pay and Allowances after DA neutralization.
2. The rate of HRA has been abruptly reduced.

3. Payment of CCL has been reduced for second 365 days.

4. Same confusion in MACP continues.

5. Uncertainty in Pension benefit in NPS continues.

6. Existing Pension provisions are left un touched. None of the proposals submitted  are considered.

7. Minimum Pay is very less; Maximum Pay is lavishly higher. [Minimum Rs.18000 – Maximum Rs.275000]

8. Gap between Minimum and Maximum Pay is not reduced, but unfortunately increased. [In sixth CPC it is 1:12, 7th CPC recommends 1:14]

9. All the Pay commissions reduced the number of pay scales but 7th Pay commission maintained the existing pay scales.

10. 55 Allowances are abolished, No new allowances are introduced.

11. Same 3% increment continues. Demand for Two Increment Days on 1st January and 1st July was not considered.

12. No considerable benefit on Promotion.

13. Interest free advances including LTC advance are abolished.

14. Except the introduction of New Pay Matrix, nothing new in the recommendations of 7th Pay commission.

15. Again uniform Multiplication factor was not applied for arriving Entry Pay for various Grades.


  1. Starting pay for to's is arrived by multiplying 2.62 times basic pay.

  2. Those who were pramoted from STA A to STA B . & then Promoted to TO A . For such cases who have rendered lengthy services around fifteen years may upgrade with promotion.

  3. Starting pay for to's is arrived by multiplying 2.87 times basic pay.

  4. Starting pay for to's is arrived by multiplying 2.87 times basic pay.
